Flood Control (This plugin enqueues outgoing API requests instance via Bottleneck in order to prevent your bot from hitting rate limits as described in this advanced section of the documentation.
Undocumented API Limits Exist
Telegram implements unspecified and undocumented rate limits for some API calls. These undocumented limits are not accounted for by the throttler. Consider using the auto-retry plugin together with this plugin, if you are experiencing floodwait errors for certain API calls, such as api
Here is an example of how to use this plugin with the default options. Note that the default options are aligned with the actual rate limits enforced by Telegram, so they should be good to go.
import { Bot } from "grammy";
import { run } from "@grammyjs/runner";
import { apiThrottler } from "@grammyjs/transformer-throttler";
const botToken = process.env.BOT_TOKEN;
if (!botToken) {
throw Error("BOT_TOKEN is required");
const bot = new Bot(botToken);
const throttler = apiThrottler();
bot.command("/example", (ctx) => ctx.reply("I am throttled"));
// If you are using throttler, you most likely want to use a runner to handle updates concurrently.
const { Bot } = require("grammy");
const { run } = require("@grammyjs/runner");
const { apiThrottler } = require("@grammyjs/transformer-throttler");
const botToken = process.env.BOT_TOKEN;
if (!botToken) {
throw Error("BOT_TOKEN is required");
const bot = new Bot(botToken);
const throttler = apiThrottler();
bot.command("/example", (ctx) => ctx.reply("I am throttled"));
// If you are using throttler, you most likely want to use a runner to handle updates concurrently.
import { Bot } from "";
import { run } from "";
import { apiThrottler } from "";
const botToken = Deno.env.get("BOT_TOKEN");
if (!botToken) {
throw Error("BOT_TOKEN is required");
const bot = new Bot(botToken);
const throttler = apiThrottler();
bot.command("/example", (ctx) => ctx.reply("I am throttled"));
// If you are using throttler, you most likely want to use a runner to handle updates concurrently.
The throttler accepts a single optional argument of the following form:
type ThrottlerOptions = {
global?: Bottleneck.ConstructorOptions; // for throttling all api calls
group?: Bottleneck.ConstructorOptions; // for throttling outgoing group messages
out?: Bottleneck.ConstructorOptions; // for throttling outgoing private messages
The full list of object properties available for Bottleneck
can be found at Bottleneck.
If no argument is passed, the throttler created will use the default configuration settings which should be appropriate for most use cases. The default configuration are as follows:
// Outgoing Global Throttler
const globalConfig = {
reservoir: 30, // number of new jobs that throttler will accept at start
reservoirRefreshAmount: 30, // number of jobs that throttler will accept after refresh
reservoirRefreshInterval: 1000, // interval in milliseconds where reservoir will refresh
// Outgoing Group Throttler
const groupConfig = {
maxConcurrent: 1, // only 1 job at a time
minTime: 1000, // nait this many milliseconds to be ready, after a job
reservoir: 20, // number of new jobs that throttler will accept at start
reservoirRefreshAmount: 20, // number of jobs that throttler will accept after refresh
reservoirRefreshInterval: 60000, // interval in milliseconds where reservoir will refresh
// Outgoing Private Throttler
const outConfig = {
maxConcurrent: 1, // only 1 job at a time
minTime: 1000, // wait this many milliseconds to be ready, after a job
Plugin Summary
- Name:
-throttler - Source:
- Reference: